Soil Resource Guide
Written by the soil experts at Stevens, our soil resource guide contains a wealth of information and will benefit anyone involved with soil. Whether you’re a soil scientist, a farmer or a soil researcher, this 52-page book is a fantastic reference and source of up-to-date theories, practices and advice.
Soil & Hydrology Basics
Whether you are involved or just interested in irrigation in this section you’ll find essential information on what you need to know about soils and the movement of water in the soil. We cover basic soil texture notions and introduce useful soil hydraulics concepts such as field capacity, permanent wilting point and maximum allowable depletion.
Soil & Plant Sensors
Using tools to monitor and assess soils and plants goes way back. The number of options available to growers is growing from “30,000-foot level” tools all the way to field-level devices monitoring a single plant’s health and small volumes of soil. In this section, you’ll find an overview of what is available with an eye on incorporating some of these options to support better decisions about precision irrigation and optimal yields.
Irrigation Scheduling
Irrigation water should be applied according to a pre-determined schedule based upon the monitoring of the soil water status, the crop water requirements and projected weather conditions. In this section we offer tools and sources to develop simple irrigation schedules using ET- or soil moisture-based monitoring and more optimized ones using both.