HandiTrase TDR Meter
Our Trase TDR system is the most accurate & universal moisture meter available, period.
Scientifically Proven. Soilmoisture® TDR technology (Trase™) has been scientifically proven the most accurate Volumetric Moisture Content measurement for 20 years.
Instant Measurements. Each measurement takes just a few seconds.
Portable Measurements. Trase can be used with portable moisture probes (also known as waveguides). Our heavy-duty portable probes can withstand extreme physical impacts for years. Slammer Probe™ can be hammered in heavy clay and rocky soils. It is simply unbreakable.
Stationary Measurements. Up to 256 Buriable Probes can be connected to a single Trase unit. Advanced features are available for almost any data logging scenario.
Minimal Temperature Sensitivity. Due to its superior TDR technology, changes in temperature have minimal effect on Trase measurements.
Minimal EC Sensitivity. TDR technology does not require direct connection between the probe and soil. Therefore ‘coated’ probes can be used in high salinity soils and still make accurate and reliable measurements. No other method can even attempt to make a measurement in high salinity soils.
Zero to 100% Measurement Range. Trase can measure zero percent moisture content all the way to 100% pure water. Most methods can’t go beyond 30 to 40%. No matter how wet the soil, Trase will never let you down!
Various Probe lengths for Various Measurement Depths. Unlike most competing technologies, Trase probes can be made in almost any lengths, from few inches to several feet (if needed). Long probes (60 cm max standard length) can penetrate deep in soil where no other probe can possibly reach!
Our Trase TDR system is the most accurate & universal moisture meter available, period.
Scientifically Proven. Soilmoisture® TDR technology (Trase™) has been scientifically proven the most accurate Volumetric Moisture Content measurement for 20 years.
Instant Measurements. Each measurement takes just a few seconds.
Portable Measurements. Trase can be used with portable moisture probes (also known as waveguides). Our heavy-duty portable probes can withstand extreme physical impacts for years. Slammer Probe™ can be hammered in heavy clay and rocky soils. It is simply unbreakable.
Stationary Measurements. Up to 256 Buriable Probes can be connected to a single Trase unit. Advanced features are available for almost any data logging scenario.
Minimal Temperature Sensitivity. Due to its superior TDR technology, changes in temperature have minimal effect on Trase measurements.
Minimal EC Sensitivity. TDR technology does not require direct connection between the probe and soil. Therefore ‘coated’ probes can be used in high salinity soils and still make accurate and reliable measurements. No other method can even attempt to make a measurement in high salinity soils.
Zero to 100% Measurement Range. Trase can measure zero percent moisture content all the way to 100% pure water. Most methods can’t go beyond 30 to 40%. No matter how wet the soil, Trase will never let you down!
Various Probe lengths for Various Measurement Depths. Unlike most competing technologies, Trase probes can be made in almost any lengths, from few inches to several feet (if needed). Long probes (60 cm max standard length) can penetrate deep in soil where no other probe can possibly reach!
Our Trase TDR system is the most accurate & universal moisture meter available, period.
Scientifically Proven. Soilmoisture® TDR technology (Trase™) has been scientifically proven the most accurate Volumetric Moisture Content measurement for 20 years.
Instant Measurements. Each measurement takes just a few seconds.
Portable Measurements. Trase can be used with portable moisture probes (also known as waveguides). Our heavy-duty portable probes can withstand extreme physical impacts for years. Slammer Probe™ can be hammered in heavy clay and rocky soils. It is simply unbreakable.
Stationary Measurements. Up to 256 Buriable Probes can be connected to a single Trase unit. Advanced features are available for almost any data logging scenario.
Minimal Temperature Sensitivity. Due to its superior TDR technology, changes in temperature have minimal effect on Trase measurements.
Minimal EC Sensitivity. TDR technology does not require direct connection between the probe and soil. Therefore ‘coated’ probes can be used in high salinity soils and still make accurate and reliable measurements. No other method can even attempt to make a measurement in high salinity soils.
Zero to 100% Measurement Range. Trase can measure zero percent moisture content all the way to 100% pure water. Most methods can’t go beyond 30 to 40%. No matter how wet the soil, Trase will never let you down!
Various Probe lengths for Various Measurement Depths. Unlike most competing technologies, Trase probes can be made in almost any lengths, from few inches to several feet (if needed). Long probes (60 cm max standard length) can penetrate deep in soil where no other probe can possibly reach!